Gabriel Vinicius de Souza

Game Developer focused on programming and pixel art, currently working on Moth Kubit, a game made with Game Maker Studio 2

Moth Kubit

Moth Kubit is my main project right now, the game is an experimental RPG. I have been working on this game for approximately 2 years, and we are a small team of 2 persons.

Other Games

I also worked on a few games on my own, mostly made for Game Jams, you can check more about them clicking below

Pixel Arts And Other Projects

I also work as a Pixel Artist, mostly for games. Still, sometimes I do some other artworks, and during my free time I enjoy studying and idealizing some projects, mostly for learning or exploring, you can check some of them by clicking below.


If you are interested in my abilities and want to reach out, you can contact me through any of my social media below or email.